Column Assignment (required for geocoding and validation)

The column assignment is an important step in order to geocode addresses.
It defines the structure of the forms which will be used to validate your addresses.

  1. Click on the column assignment button .

  2. On the column assignment window, click on"The sheet contains a header row", when applicable.

    Provide each field (field 1 through 6) with a column of your choice. For instance: "Company name", "Phone Number", "Fax", "Web address", "email",...

    These fields can be later used in the validation forms, or for an internet search (in accordance to your selected search engine).

    You can also create a log column in your excel sheet and then assign it to the field "Log" to track changes your coworkers do on your addresses.
  3. The fields"Address 1", "Zipcode", "City" and "Country" are obligatory.
    The field "Address 1" requires an valid address format including only street number and name. All other information such as city/locality, zipcode or country should be entered in their respective fields.

    optional fields:

    Field (1) - Field (6):
    Assign columns that describes or identifies addresses here.

    required fields:

    Address 1:
    Street number and name.

    Zipcode column.

    City or locality column.

    Country of the address.

  4. By clicking on the checkbutton "more fields", you can extend your column assignment in the following window:

    You can further assign 40 columns for additional address information, as well as another 20 pull-down fields .

  5. Click on save to conclude the column assignment. This column assignment is stored as an additional excel sheet named "Index ".